Welcome to Juniper Ridge!
To register a new student at Juniper Ridge, please provide us with:
a completed Student Data Form, Acceptable Use of Technology Form, and a Media Consent Form. (see forms below)
If transferring from outside Newfoundland and Labrador, please submit a Transfer of Records Form. (see form below)
a copy of your child's most recent report card
proof of address
any relevant special services or alternate curriculum documentation
You can also register your child by calling the school at 437-3021 and we will guide you through the process. Paper copies of all forms are available at the school's Main Office. For general enquiries or more information please contact the school via phone at 437-3021, or by e-mail at juniperridgeint@nlesd.ca. We look forward to welcoming you and your child to JRI!
Registration Forms
All students registering must complete a student data form.

All students are required to submit an Acceptable Use of Technology Form.

All students are required to submit a Media Consent Form.

Students transferring from other schools outside of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador are required to complete 310B Rest for Transfer of Records form.