
School busing is provided free-of-charge for students who live 1.6 kilometers or greater from their neighbourhood school. Download the Bussing Route Summary Students attending a school other than their neighbourhood school, do not qualify for school busing. An example would be when a student is enrolled in French Immersion at a school that is not their neighbourhood school. 

Busing is also available for students with special needs. Students are expected to attend their neighbourhood school unless there are circumstances that prevent them, such as the school is not accessible for the individual student’s needs. The school can apply to the department for approval for busing when circumstances warrant. Approval is based on the Alternate Transportation Policy and a review of the Application Package supported by appropriate documentation. Under certain circumstances, busing can be made available to children whose parent(s)/guardian(s) has a physical disability which prevents them from accompanying their child to school. The school can apply to the department for approval for busing when circumstances warrant. Approval is based on the Alternate Transportation Policy and a review of the Application Package supported by appropriate documentation.